Informer Saved Functions
Saved Functions are functions that are added to an Informer site via the Administration/Saved Functions area.
Users can then call these function in their Datasets to perform whatever action they were designed to do.
All functions created by Naviga staff will be located in the naviga namespace.
If a function in this list doesn't exist in your Informer system, you can create it by logging into Informer and going to the Administration page, then clicking on the Saved Functions icon.
When you are in the Saved Functions area, you will see a New Function button in the left sidebar.
After clicking on this button you will be presented with a dialog to fill out. Simply fill it out with the details give in the Create Function section for each of the below functions.
calculateAggregates - Create Function
Function name: calculateAggregates
Namespace: naviga
Description: Create keys on the local object to aggregate fields
Data Type Variable name Label Sample Any aggrConfigObject AggrConfigObject { $local, groupKeys, groupAggr }
Function Body
const groupKeys = aggrConfigObject.groupKeys || [];
const groupAggr = aggrConfigObject.groupAggr || [];
const localHold = aggrConfigObject.$local;
//Loop through the groupKeys Array
groupKeys.forEach((groupKeyObj) => {
//Create the groupInit object
groupInit = {
GroupSet: false,
(init, obj) => ({ ...init, []: returnANumber(obj.initValue) }),
groupKey = groupKeyObj.groupKey;
// Initialize the groupKey on the $local object
// To accomodate dynamic groupAggr values, spreading new groupInit first, then any existing value in local for given groupKey
localHold[groupKey] = { ...groupInit, ...localHold[groupKey] };
// Loop through groupAggr Array and perform the aggregation
groupAggr.forEach((aggrObj) => {
localHold[groupKey][] =
localHold[groupKey][] + returnANumber(aggrObj.value);
return localHold;
function returnANumber(numberIn) {
// If a date is passed return 0 otherwise dates get converted to unix time value
numberIn = === "[object Date]" ? 0 : numberIn;
const parsedNumber = Number(numberIn);
if (isNaN(parsedNumber)) {
return 0;
return parsedNumber;
calculateAggregates - When To Use
Before you decide to use the calculateAggregates
function, it is a good idea to ask yourself why you think you need it, just to make sure you actually do need to use the function.
calculateAggregates Needed
A common use case that needs something like our calculateAggregates
function is calculating percentages between two values based on certain groups in your data.
Think of it this way, any value that cannot be aggregated needs to use the calculateAggregates
function or some technique like it.
Cannot be Aggregated - Most percentages can't be aggregated. If I have a field that is the Actual vs Budget percentage, I cannot calculate this on a transaction by transaction basis and then sum all the %'s up at the end. I need to determine at what level I'm going to calculate the % at (maybe Advertisers or Sales Reps) and use the
function or other technique to get me the answer.
calculateAggregates Maybe NOT Needed
Once you better understand what they function does, you will find that you can use even in the cases listed below, but your report only needs the use cases listed below, then using the calculateAggregates
function will add unneeded complexity to your report.
The example that you will see in this usage doc doesn't require the calculateAggregates
function, however, it is super easy to understand.
- Scenario 1 - Aggregates you get by summing up a field. Since Informer lets you create pivot tables which will let you choose Field Values to aggregate, you obviously don't need extra functions for this scenario.
- Scenario 2 - You want to create a calculation between two fields and aggregate it. For example, the difference between Actual and Budget numbers. Since this will create another value that can be aggregated across any other field, you don't need extra functions for this scenario.
calculateAggregates - Usage
This function is called with a configuration object that will define fields to aggregate and the groupings to aggregate those fields by.
For example, if you had the following data, but wanted a field that aggregated by Year-Month and Rep.
This is the starting dataset
Year-Month | Rep | Amount |
2020-01 | ABA | 50 |
2020-01 | ABA | 100 |
2020-01 | MRM | 200 |
2020-02 | MRM | 100 |
2020-02 | ABA | 50 |
2020-02 | ABA | 10 |
2020-03 | MRM | 100 |
After you follow the instructions below, because the function call is just the first step.
Your result could be:
Year-Month | Rep | Amount | AggAmount |
2020-01 | ABA | 50 | 150 |
2020-01 | ABA | 100 | |
2020-01 | MRM | 200 | 300 |
2020-02 | MRM | 100 | |
2020-02 | ABA | 50 | 60 |
2020-02 | ABA | 10 | |
2020-03 | MRM | 100 | 100 |
This is useful in reports requiring calculations to be done on aggregated amounts like percentages, etc.
Calling the function
// Calling the calculate aggregates in a Powerscript
naviga.calculateAggregates({ $local, groupKeys, groupAggr });
The function accepts a single object as a parameter. That object has the following shape:
$local, // This is the local object
groupKeys, // How you want to aggregate your data (by what fields)
groupAggr, // The actual aggregates you want to calculate (i.e. Total Net Amount, etc)
groupKeys defines the aggregation groups that you are trying to define. It is an array of objects, with each object defining an aggregation key
For example, if you wanted to aggregate on Year and Rep, you have to define two keys, one for Year, the other for Year-Rep. Usually your aggregation groups are hierarchical.
Here is the groupKeys array you would create:
groupKeys = [
name: "Year",
groupKey: $record.Year,
name: "Year_Rep",
groupKey: `${$record.Year}-${$record.salesrepId}`,
The second key of the parameter is the groupAggr array of objects. Each object in this array defines one of the aggregations that you want to perform.
In the example below, we have defined two aggregations by assigning the following keys to each object in the array:
- name - A name that will be used to store the aggregation on the $local object.
- initValue - The initial value of the aggregation. This is usually zero.
- value - This is the value that you are aggregating.
groupAggr = [
name: "sumNet",
initValue: 0,
value: $record.orderNetAmt,
name: "sumInvoice",
initValue: 0,
value: $record.invoiceID_assoc_invamount,
Post Aggregate Powerscript
This is where you will perform the calculations that you needed the aggregates for.
This Powerscript must run AFTER a Flush flow step
To do this, you will use the values that were stored on the $local object in the preAggregation function.
$local Object Fields:
Let's look at an example. You are calculating aggregates for IssueYear and IssueYear-RepId.
This means you have two groupKeys for every record. If we have data that looks like this:
Issue Year | Rep Id | Net Revenue | Invoice Revenue |
2019 | MM | 100 | 75 |
2019 | SW | 50 | 50 |
2020 | MM | 125 | 100 |
2020 | SW | 25 | 20 |
2020 | TE | 75 | 75 |
Your groupKeys for IssueYear will be "2019", "2020" Your groupKeys for IssueYear-RepId will be "2019-MM", "2019-SW", "2020-MM", "2020-SW", "2020-TE"
The preAggregation function creates a key on the $local object for each one of these groups that you can then access in your post aggregation Powerscript.
Here is an example of the $local object would hold for the 2019 IssueYear groupkey
$local = {
2019: {
sumNet: 125322,
sumInvoice: 105423,
GroupSet: false,
The GroupSet can be used if you only want the total to show up once in your dataset for each groupKey. This allows you to use the Total aggregation function when building pivot tables, etc.
Here is example code of how you could implement the Post Aggregate code:
// Get the year of the issue date
vIssueYear = $record.issueYear;
// Define the groupKey to be used across aggregates
// !!!!Must be the same as those defined in the first Powerscript
groupKey1 = `${vIssueYear}`;
groupKey2 = `${vIssueYear}-${$record.salesrep_id_assoc_id}`;
$record.groupKey1 = groupKey1; // If you want a record in your data showing the groupKey for the record
if (!$local[groupKey1].GroupSet) {
$record.RepNetByYear_Total = $local[groupKey1].sumNet;
$record.RepInvTotalForYear_Total = $local[groupKey1].sumInvoice;
$record.NetInv_VarianceByYear_Total =
$local[groupKey1].sumNet - $local[groupKey1].sumInvoice;
$local[groupKey1].GroupSet = true; //Setting to true means we will not excute this code again during the load.
$record.groupKey2 = groupKey2;
if (!$local[groupKey2].GroupSet) {
$record.RepNetByYearRep_Total = $local[groupKey2].sumNet;
$record.RepInvTotalForRepYear_Total = $local[groupKey2].sumInvoice;
$record.NetInv_VarianceByYearRep_Total =
$local[groupKey2].sumNet - $local[groupKey2].sumInvoice;
$local[groupKey2].GroupSet = true;
sumMultiValuedField - Create Function
Function name: sumMultiValuedField
Namespace: naviga
Description: Accepts an array (multivalued field) and returns the sum of the elements. Non numeric values will be assumed to be zero.
Data Type Variable name Label Sample Any mvField Multi Valued Field
Function Body
// Check if item passed is an array, if not return zero or a number if a number was passed
if (!Array.isArray(mvField)) {
return returnANumber(mvField);
// field is an array
total = mvField.reduce((tot, val) => tot + returnANumber(val), 0);
return total;
//--Helper Function ---------
function returnANumber(numberIn) {
// If a date is passed return 0 otherwise dates get converted to unix time value
numberIn = === '[object Date]' ? 0 : numberIn
const parsedNumber = Number(numberIn);
if (isNaN(parsedNumber)) {
return 0;
return parsedNumber;
sumMultiValuedField - Usage
Accepts an array (multivalued field) and returns the sum of the values.
If the passed field is not an array, zero will be returned.
If the any of the values are not numeric they will be ignored, but all numeric values will be summed and a total returned.
Function Syntax
Sample Input and Output
Input | Output |
[1,2,3,4] | 10 |
[a, b, c] | 0 |
[1, b, 3] | 4 |
15 | 15 |
Test | 0 |
multiValuedToString - Create Function
Function name: multiValuedToString
Namespace: naviga
Description: Accepts an array (multivalued field) and returns a string, delimited by comma (default) or a delimiter passed in by user. Can also be made unique.
Data Type Variable name Label Sample Any mvField Multi Valued Field String delimiter delimiter ',' (default) Any makeDistinct Make Distinct false (default)
Function Body
delimiter = delimiter || ','
makeDistinct = makeDistinct || false
// If passed mvField is NOT an array, then return mvField
if (!Array.isArray(mvField)) {
return mvField;
//Need to convert elements to string because I found
//some text value are represented as an object type
//so the distinct options wouldn't work.
mvField = => el.toString());
// If makeDistinct flag set, make distinct using Set
if (makeDistinct) {
// Use the JS Set to make sure we have a unique array of values
mvField = [ Set(mvField)];
// reduce to a single line of text
const finalString = mvField.reduce((final, val) => {
if (final) {
return `${final}${delimiter}${val}`;
} else {
return val;
}, undefined);
return finalString;
multiValuedToString - Usage
This function will take a multi valued field (array) and return a concatenated string of the contents of the passed field.
For example if you have a multi valued field $record.mvField, that is populated with these values:
['Rep1', 'Rep2', 'Rep3']
And you call the function as follows:
You will the following returned:
Function Syntax
// There are three parameters that can be passed, but the first is the only required parameter:
multiValuedToString(field [, delimiter=',', distinct=false])
Along with the field, you can pass the delimiter that you want as well as a flag to have the returned string only include unique values.
Sample Input and Output
field | delimiter | distinct | Output |
[1,2,2,4] | '-' | false | '1-2-2-4' |
[1,2,2,4] | '-' | true | '1-2-4' |
['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] | ';' | true | 'a;b;c' |
['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] | ';' | false | 'a;b;b;c' |
returnANumber- Create Function
Function name: returnANumber
Namespace: naviga
Description: Accepts a value and returns a number. Returns 0 for anything that is not a number
Data Type Variable name Label Sample Any numberIn numberIn
Function Body
// If a date is passed return 0 otherwise dates get converted to unix time value
numberIn = === "[object Date]" ? 0 : numberIn;
const parsedNumber = Number(numberIn);
if (isNaN(parsedNumber)) {
return 0;
return parsedNumber;
returnANumber- Usage
This function will take any value and return a number. This is useful if you are performing a calculation on a field which may contain null or blank values.
By passing the value into the returnANumber function, you will be guaranteed to get back a number.
If you pass in anything that cannot be converted to a number, you will get back a zero.
Function Syntax
// There are three parameters that can be passed, but the first is the only required parameter:
Along with the field, you can pass the delimiter that you want as well as a flag to have the returned string only include unique values.
Sample Input and Output
field | Output |
5 | 5.00 |
"5" | 5.00 |
"" | 0 |
null | 0 |
date | 0 |
getMonthsBetween - Create Function
Function name: getMonthsBetween
Namespace: naviga
Description: Get the absolute months between two dates. If only one value provided or if either values are not dates, then 1 will be returned.
Data Type Variable name Label Sample Date startDate Start Date Date endDate End Date
Function Body
// Make sure both values were sent and are dates, otherwise return 1
if (!startDate || !endDate || !startDate.getMonth || !endDate.getMonth) {
return 1
// Calculate a Start and End Date format that be used
startMonth = Number(startDate.getMonth()) + (Number(startDate.getFullYear()) * 12)
endMonth = Number(endDate.getMonth()) + (Number(endDate.getFullYear()) * 12)
// Need to add 1 to get the number of months including the first and the last
return endMonth - startMonth + 1
getMonthsBetween - Usage
This function will accept two dates and return the number of months between them inclusively.
If only a single month is passed or if any passed value is not a JavaScript date, then 1 will be returned.
Be aware that if you cannot pass a Moment converted date directly. You will have to use the
function. BUT, also be aware that if you pass a null to moment it WILL create a date for you. It will be the beginning of the UNIX epoch (01/01/1969)
Function Syntax
// There are three parameters that can be passed, but the first is the only required parameter:
naviga.getMonthsBetween($record.startDate, $record.endDate)
Along with the field, you can pass the delimiter that you want as well as a flag to have the returned string only include unique values.
Sample Input and Output
startDate | EndDate | Output |
10/31/2020 | 01/01/2021 | 4 |
12/01/2020 | null | 1 |
null | null | 1 |
null | 12/15/2020 | 1 |
05/01/2021 | 03/01/2020 | -13 |
yoyCreateFields - Create Function
Function name: yoyCreateFields
Namespace: naviga
Description: Will create a separate field on the $record object for the year in the passed yoyDate field.
Parameters: configObj
Data Type Variable name Label Sample Any configObj configObj { $record, yoyDate, label, fieldValue }
Function Body
// This is Informer's $record object. We need it to create the new YOY fields
const $record = configObj.$record || {};
const yoyDate = configObj.yoyDate || new Date();
const label = configObj.label || '';
const fieldValue = configObj.fieldValue || 0;
const year = yoyDate.getFullYear();
const fieldName = `${label}${year}`;
$record[fieldName] = fieldValue;
$record.yoyAggrFieldName = `sum${fieldName}`
// The return is optional.
return {
debugFieldName: fieldName,
yoyCreateFields - Usage
Creating a Year over Year report consist of either one or two parts.
If you only need to separate the revenue into years and will not be doing any calculation between years, then just do step one. Otherwise, you will need to do both steps.
- yoyCreateFields function - this function will create a field for each year's revenue.
- Aggregate creation - If you need to perform any calculations between years, then you will need to aggregate your data. This would be a calculation like the difference between Current and Previous Year.
NOTE: if you are creating aggregate fields, you cannot use the Year field in your charts. This should be fine, since the year field is "baked" into each revenue column.
To create a field for each year's revenue or any other yearly amount, simply run the yoyCreateFields function. You will need to first setup a configuration object to pass to the function.
yoyCreateField Configuration format
- $record - You can simply type this as you see it the example below. It is a system object.
- label - pass a string that will define your YOY field names. They be in the format of 'labelYYYY'
- yoyDate - This must be a date field. This field will determine which year the amounts go into. For example, if you passed the CreateDate, then your revenue would be in Create Year buckets. If you passed the IssueDate, then your revenue would be Issue Year buckets.
- fieldValue - this is the value. It could be revenue or copies. I can be any number field.
Here is a sample.
yoyConfig = {
label: 'revenue',
yoyDate: $record.issuedate,
fieldValue: $record.orderNetAmt,
yoyConfig = { $record, label: 'revenue', yoyDate: $record.issuedate, fieldValue: $record.orderNetAmt }
naviga.TestYOY({ $record, label: 'revenue', yoyDate: $record.issuedate, fieldValue: $record.orderNetAmt })
Output from yoyCreateFields
The only thing that is returned from the yoyCreateFields function is a debug object. You will only need to use it if you have any issues, it return { debugFieldName }
The main job the function performs, however, is to create new fields on the $record object. It will create a field for every year in the passed yoyDate property on the config object.
For example, if your config object passed to the yoyCreateFields function looked like this:
yoyConfig = {
label: 'revenue',
yoyDate: $record.issuedate,
fieldValue: $record.orderNetAmt,
And the data in your dataset had dates from 01/01/2018 through 01/01/2021, the yoyCreateFields function would create the following fields:
- $record.revenue2018 - Would contain amount from $record.orderNetAmt if issueDate in year 2018, otherwise 0.
- $record.revenue2019 - Would contain amount from $record.orderNetAmt if issueDate in year 2019, otherwise 0.
- $record.revenue2020 - Would contain amount from $record.orderNetAmt if issueDate in year 2020, otherwise 0.
- $record.revenue2021 - Would contain amount from $record.orderNetAmt if issueDate in year 2021, otherwise 0.
- $record.yoyAggrFieldName - Contains the field to use for Aggregations
Performing Calculations on YOY Fields
Many times you will also want to perform calculations on your YOY fields. This example will look at creating a current year versus previous year or CurrentYear Revenue - PreviousYear Revenue
To get started you will need to run the naviga.calculateAggregations.
Aggregation Levels
How will your report be aggregated and reported on. Since we are performing calculations on fields that exist on different rows (because they are in different years), we need to know at what level to aggregate them.
You will want to choose the lowest level of aggregation and obviously, leave out Year.
You will usually always want the Month of year from the SAME date that you passed as your yoyDate field in the yoyCreateField function's configuration.
Then you may also want to be able to see YOY by Rep and Customer.
This would mean your aggregation would be Month-Rep-Customer
You can refer to the calculateAggregations documentation for details on running it, but here is an example:
// Get the year and month of the date we created YOY fields for
vYOYYear = moment($record.issuedate).format('YYYY');
vYOYMonth = moment($record.issuedate).format('MM');
// Create a column for month and year
$record.YOYYear = vYOYYear;
$record.YOYMonth = vYOYMonth;
// Start the aggregation process
// Define the groupKey to be used across aggregates
// By creating a group key with all the values we want to use in our report,
// we will be able to report on any or all of these
groupKey1 = `${vYOYMonth}-${$record.salesrep_id_assoc_id}-${$record.advCode}`;
//-- Define the objects that need to passed to the calculateAggregations function
//- Define the keys object
groupKeys = [
name: 'issueMonth_Rep',
groupKey: groupKey1,
//- define the aggregation value. Here we just want to aggregate over any of the YOY Fields
//- that we created when running the naviga.yoyCreateField function
groupAggr = [
name: $record.yoyAggrFieldName, // will look like -> `sum${label}${vYOYYear}`,
initValue: 0,
value: $record.orderNetAmt,
naviga.calculateAggregations({ $local, groupKeys, groupAggr });
Current Year Value and Post Flush Powerscript .
Now that we have our YOY Revenue fields aggregated, we can perform some calculations on them.
But first, you will need to know what you want the current year to be considered as. You can do this in a number of ways.
- JavaScript - use JavaScript to look at the systems date and get the year from that. This is useful for reports that you want scheduled and that you always want looking at the true current and previous year.
- Input field - have the user enter it via an Input field. This is more versatile if a user is going to be running the report manually.
- Hard Code - Hard code into your scripts.
For this example, we will be using the option1 and use the system to generate our current year field.
// Get the year of the issue date
vYOYYear = $record.YOYYear;
vYOYMonth = $record.YOYMonth;
// Generate the current and previous years from JavaScript
// Using the moment() library will return todays date and then
// we extract year and previous year
$record.previousYear = moment().subtract(1, 'year').format('YYYY');
$record.currentYear = moment().format('YYYY');
// local vars for easier use
vPreviousYear = $record.previousYear;
vCurrentYear = $record.currentYear;
// Define our group !!MUST!! be same as groupKey created when aggregating.
// Look at your "groupKeys" that you passed to the naviga.calculateAggregates function
groupKey1 = `${vYOYMonth}-${$record.salesrep_id_assoc_id}-${$record.advCode}`;
sumRevenueCurrYearField = `sumrevenue${vCurrentYear}`;
sumRevenuePrevYearField = `sumrevenue${vPreviousYear}`;
// groupKey1 calculations
// We only want to perform the calculations once for each groupKey value
if (!$local[groupKey1].GroupSet) {
$record.groupKey1 = groupKey1;
//Current Year Data
$record[`${vCurrentYear}RepNetByYearRep_Total`] = naviga.returnANumber($local[groupKey1][sumRevenueCurrYearField]);
//Previous Year Data
$record[`${vPreviousYear}RepNetByYearRep_Total`] = naviga.returnANumber($local[groupKey1][sumRevenuePrevYearField]);
// Calculation
$record.currentVsPreviousYearRevenue =
naviga.returnANumber($local[groupKey1][sumRevenueCurrYearField]) -
$local[groupKey1].GroupSet = 'true';
If you want to have your user input a Year, you can setup an input as usual and then add this code in a separate Powerscript or in the Post Aggregation script above.
We are setting a variable in the local object so that we only do this check once. You would then need to copy the current and previous year values into the variables being used in your post flush script.
// Check if our currentYear is not set. if not, then set it and previous year
if (!$local.currentYear) {
if ($inputs['currentYear']) {
$local.currentYear = $inputs['currentYear'];
$local.previousYear = $local.currentYear - 1;
} else {
$local.currentYear = moment().format('YYYY');
$local.previousYear = moment().subtract(1, 'year').format('YYYY');
You can now build your reports. Just remember that if you ended up creating a calculation from the YOY fields, you will need to only use fields in your report that were used in your aggregation.
Here is an example of a report by month, showing Year over Year data with a calculated difference field:
However, if you do not need the calculated field, you will not be constrained by the fields you aggregated by.